(612) 770 - 3513
phlebotomy training
No Experience Required
one week
National Certification
phlebotomy training one week National Certification ✶
18 years old
Have a High School Diploma or GED
Willing to poke and be poked
Ready to start a new Career
MN Metro Locations
40 hours in person training
Monday - Thursday 7am to 5pm
Get National Certification through NAPTP
Program cost $516
Includes National Exam Fee
Includes Labs
Includes Study Guide
Be a Med Tech
Join the Medical Field
Make a difference
Start your career
How it works
Be a Phlebotomist
Tc Med Train will let you know the location of the training
Always a central Metro Location
Classes start every Monday
Tuition Payment
Full tuition payment due one week in advance
You may pay via: Zelle, Paypal, Check or Cash
No credit card payments accepted at this moment
You can do it
What if I don’t want to get poked?
The best and most practical way is real life.
You may just limit the times you have your own blood drawn. We adhere to the practice of “ I stick you, you stick me “ in the classroom, in order to provide the students with exceptional hands on training.
You got this
What if I fail the National Exam?
You have a second attempt in taking the test.
The test consists of 100 questions and you must pass with an 80% or higher to get Certified.
You will Succeed
What if I miss class?
Attendance to every class is vital to take and pass the National Exam.
If a class is missed it will have to be made up in the next cohort of classes.
Phlebotomy is more than just drawing blood. It's the gateway to a rewarding medical career. As a phlebotomist, you can open doors to a variety of fields, from lab testing and blood donations to specialized roles in healthcare, paving the way for countless opportunities in the medical industry. Blanca Sanchez